Saturday, March 7, 2009

And... you're on!

By Katie

If there's one quality it takes to live in Honduras, it's FLEXIBILITY! You never know when you'll be called upon to stand up and lead something. This happens especially in church, and can make the experience a little stressful, especially for well-planned Type A's like myself. We've been doing our best to train our friends to give us a warning, but sometimes that warning is only two minutes or so. Matt gets up and sings songs and prays all the time and I was called on last Sunday to teach Sunday school with no warning. These things get easier all the time as we have more Spanish words to use in each situation, thank goodness.

Here we are at the deacon's retreat in February, where we were called upon to lead a game about one minute before the game was to start. Imagine about 50 people in the crowd staring at us when this picture was taken. After a one minute deliberation we chose Simon Says, which failed miserably because we couldn't remember the names of body parts under the pressure. Then we said "Simon says DANCE", which is a really bad thing in Honduran Christianity. Oops.

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