Saturday, August 22, 2009

Front Porch Gang moves indoors

By Katie

Lately the Front Porch Gang has been testing their limits and coming inside the house whenever they see us around. Today I was working on the computer and noticed these two stinkers spying on me. Pretty soon they were inside reading a book. This is getting to be a pretty common occurrence. I guess our house is turning into a library that's open all waking hours of the day :)

1 comment:

Todd & Jenny Hilkemann said...

Ah, the sacrifices of missionary life - including privacy. I'm glad to see you both doing well and investing heavily in ministry again. I was praying for you both a few days ago as I was running through the coffee fields on the hills around our house. I was wondering if Matt could work his "magic" when there is no rain. Sad to see all the crops dying around here. Anyway, glad you are well. Blessings.