Sunday, February 28, 2010

Fiftieth Wedding Aniversary

By Katie

We were invited to a fiftieth wedding aniversary celebration by a couple who raise pigs with the pig project in Guanabano, a community about 45 minutes away. María Ilda Mendoza de Rocha and Matilde Rocha have been married for fifty years and celebrated it in a grand style. In a society where marriage by law and in the church is not common, to celebrate a fiftieth anniversary is unheard of. No one that we talked to at the event had ever heard of anyone celebrating fifty years together before. It was a great testimony of what a happy, healthy marriage can mean for a family and an entire community.

Welcome to the Golden Wedding
50th Anniversary

The happy couple: Matilda Rocha and María Ilda Mendoza de Rocha

During the ceremony their daughter-in-law María Elena and her sister sang the most beautiful ranchero song we have ever heard. We thought they sounded a little like the Indigo Girls of rural Honduras.
He is in this wedding, blessing the multitude.

The Rochas have 13 children and many grandkids and great grandkids. Some of them still live in Guanabano. One son named Delson lives in Worthington, Minnesota and works for a farmer there. It´s a small world!

The evening ended with a delicious meal for everyone who attended. Pictured here are some of our co-workers and friends. L-R: Roldan and Conchita, María and Matilde, Rigoberto, Nicol and Rosa.

We counted it a rare priviledge to be invited to attend such a great event. We´ll never forget it!

1 comment:

Ken Bosveld said...

Matt, this is such a joyous event, and when the opportunity arises would you be so kind as to pass along best wishes and congratulations on behalf of the Carpenteros.