Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Adios, Honduras. Hello, Minneapolis.

By Katie

Prior to our appointment with the doctors yesterday, we had prayed that God would clearly show us what to do. He did just that. There were a few cancer cells that had spread outside of the original tumor and into the lymph system, rendering observation here in Honduras a non-option, and a diagnosis that was just a little more serious. We had made a little series of "if this happens, then we'll do this" statements, all which ended up pointing us home. We had been working on "if we come home" plans, and today so many of them fell into place, that it was obvious that God opened the doors wide open for us to return. (This includes insurance! Our policy we have here doesn't cover us in the US, but it looks like an insurance agent we have been working with has found us a plan that will likely accept Matt). In the US Matt can get the care that he really needs and we'll be supported by a bigger network of friends and family.

So, in the next seven days, we'll go back to say goodbye to our friends in Olancho. We'll try to do our best to share with them what they have meant to us. We'll pack up our entire house into two suitcases each and figure out what to do with what remains. Now we can focus on closure here, or closure as best we can with such short notice and such a long to-do list left of unfinished projects here in Honduras. But God will be with us, and we'll need him this week and as we return to life in Minnesota. I'm not really sure what to think about it all.

We'll arrive in Minneapolis/St. Paul on Thursday, September 9 and go to live with Matt's sister Megan and her husband Shaun. We don't have jobs, but those will come soon, we hope. Pray for us and the big transition ahead! Thank you. A big thanks too to EVERYONE who helped us make the preparations to come home. This has not been a lonely experience with so many people helping out. More of that to come, I'm sure :)


Ruth Corbin said...

Dear Matt and Katie,
We have been praying for you and will continue as you make this adjustment in your life. Your faith and testimony makes me want to be stronger in my faith. God Bless you as you travel home and may God give his healing mercy. God bless you both.
Rod and Ruth Corbin

Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you guys as you make the transition home. You must have lots of mixed emotions! Matt's healing and recovery will also be in our prayers. God bless - we've really enjoyed reading your blog.

Rick and Joyce Abma

Anonymous said...

Matt and Katie-

Thank you guys for the update and for the impact you have made in the lives of many people in Honduras. We are praying for Matt's recovery and your transition to life back in the States.
I (Andrew) will be in Minneapolis Oct 20-22 for a conference and would love to try and see you then. I don't know what your medical needs or job arrangements are but we are looking for a Spanish teacher at our school. Just a thought. May God bless you as you continue to seek his purpose in your life!

Andrew and Darcy Boersma

Ken Bosveld said...

Dear Matt and Katie,
Thank you so much for all you have done for the people of Honduras, and especially the projects you have guided on behalf of the Carpenteros, and the recent coffee project.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. May He bless the treatments, give you peace and comfort, and healing.