Friday, March 21, 2008

We're Going to Honduras!

We are going to be working with CRWRC (Christian Reformed World Relief Committee) on a one-year project in Honduras!

We'll be leaving sometime in mid to late August and heading to the department of Olancho. Our job will be to work as community development workers with Diaconia Nacional, which is connected to the Christian Reformed Church in Honduras. Matt will likely take on a bigger role as the community development worker than Katie will, so she hopes to find an opportunity to work in a school.

This position comes after a few years of consideration and prayer. Matt studied development in Honduras and Katie studied in Ghana. We got married and moved to Minnesota, where we both studied in disciplines that were conducive to development work; Matt in sustainable agriculture and biosystems engineering and Katie in English as a second language. We started to realize that these events were for a reason. Now, after two years of marriage, we're looking ahead to working together for CRWRC, and most importantly we're looking forward to new ways to stretch our faith--and it will be stretched! We've got to brush up on Spanish (Katie way more than Matt), to spend a year away from our families, and to raise a lot of money. This is a lot to think about, but with God's help, we'll climb these mountains!

-Katie and Matt


SH said...

Wow guys - that is AWESOME!!! We'll be praying for you.
- Keith & Sara Hogan

rubyslipperlady said...

This is soooo great! Can't wait to see you next month - yea!