Saturday, November 8, 2008

Book Review: Communities First

By Katie

I recently finished the book Communities First, edited by Jay Van Groningen. It's a project in collaboration with Center on Faith in Communities and CRWRC. Our small group at Calvary had started it but Matt and I left before we finished. It had produced some great conversations and visions for what our church could be in the community.

The book makes a distinction between churches that minister in a community, to a community and with a community. We need to strive to be with the community, willing to work along side them, to shape them, and more importantly to be shaped by them.

The book encourages us to bring shalom to our neighborhoods, helping them to become more like heaven in the relationships people have, in the beauty of the neighborhood, in strong and accountable institutions, and in sharing and working together for the common good. It outlines possibilities for what this is and isn't, giving some practical advice to churhces and individual Christians wanting to make the most healthy difference possible.

Maybe you've been reading our blog and thinking this development stuff can only happen in foriegn countries. This book will help you think again!

Communities First books and workbooks can be ordered here. I also noticed on the CRWRC website that there's a conference coming up about this. Check it out here.

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