Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Book Review: Freedom of Simplicity

By Katie

Recently Matt and I were in a hotel and had the opportunity to watch CNN and Good Morning America in English. It was interesting to hear how many times words like “less”, “fewer” and “shoestring” were used. It seems the economic recession is really creating a fad of “less is best” in the United States these days.

I had been reading this book, Freedom of Simplicity by Richard J. Foster, when I saw the tv shows. The book is very aptly named; Foster breaks down what simplicity is and how to find freedom in it. Simplicity is much deeper than what the media is promoting these days.

Of course Foster talks about the things you would expect in a book on simplicity: prayer, money, time. He also talks about how simplicity is both a grace and a discipline. If he were to write “Five Simple Steps to Simplicity”, he would be focusing too much on discipline and neglecting grace, therefore crossing into an ugly legalism. In fact, the first chapter is called “The Complexity of Simplicity” and sets the stage well for the rest of the book.

Another thing that deserves mentioning is the sources Foster draws from to write the book. He quotes the Old and New Testament, of course, but also includes examples from the saints of all denominations through the centuries, along with examples from his own life and the lives of his friends. In doing this, he shatters any thoughts that simplicity is a new idea with the Green Revolution or the recession (the book was written in 1981, before all that anyway).

It’s a beautiful book, one that I will definitely re-read often as my life changes. Read it for a breath of fresh air.


Anonymous said...

Katie, thanks for the book suggestion, I've been looking for a good book to read, and that's such an important subject, something we can all really learn at this point in the world we live in

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the recommendation! I'm adding it to my list of books to read. We're continuing to pray for you and Matt!
Lisa DeKam