Monday, January 12, 2009

Singing in Spanish

By Katie

Señor Nate Vanderzee of Grand Rapids Christian High School put in a request for a song to share with his Spanish classes. Here´s what we at La Iglesia Cristiana Reformada La Mora have to share with you.

First, an introduction by my two favorite three-year-olds, Elias and Raúl:

No importa la iglesia que vaya,
Si detrás de Calvario tú estás.
Si tu corazón es como el mío, Dame la mano y mi hermano será.

Dame la mano, dame la mano,
Dame la mano y mi hermano será. (Repetir)

A few notes on the video:

We sing this coro at every service. When shaking hands, one needs to go as fast as possible, trying to get to every single person in the room before the song is over. This seems to be the manner in which this is done, almost as if your life depends on it!

This is one coro in a cadena de coros, a chain of choruses. Coros are very short songs all sung to the same chords and strung together to make one song that's about ten minutes long. You can hear the end of one and the beginning of another one in the video. The song leader sings them in whatever order the spirit moves, and there are no written words. This style of praising really got Matt and I down at first because it's really difficult to learn the songs and participate. We're doing better now, though, and learning more all the time.


Nate said...

Perfecto amigos! I totally remember the chorus to this song, but had no clue about the other words, so this really is perfect. My students will love it! Muchisimas gracias y que Dios les bendiga.

Anonymous said...

Oooh, I just noticed a GRAMMAR ERROR! Ok, GRCHS students, show me what you know. Where is it? It's a subject/verb agreement error. I'll fix it after someone finds it...

Anonymous said...

Love the videos guys!! those kids are adorable! It really makes me want to go down and visit and see all the people you know and speak spanish!

Pablo said...

I know the grammar problem, Katie, but I'll let someone else spot it!

We are translating this song into English for a church we attend. I just typed the Spanish words into Google, and found your blog!

We hope and pray you are doing well. How much longer in Honduras?

Katie De Kam said...

Hola Pablo y Elena! I'm glad you could put this little blog to use. We're planning on moving home in December. We keep extending it by a few months :) Disfruten cantando "dame la mano" en su iglesia :)