Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ever-changing news from Honduras

By Katie

It's been three months since the June 28 coup that deposed Mel Zelaya. He recently snuck back into the country and shook things up quite a bit. Mel continues camping out at the Brazilian Embassy. And the news keeps on coming...

I've tried on several occasions to write blogs about the current political situation but keep erasing them. The problem is that the news changes dramatically every few hours. There have been bouts of violence from both sides in the capital. Curfews of varying hours were set for every day in weeks past. The de facto government suspended five civil liberties, and in turn invaded and shut down several media sources. About 24 hours later they changed their mind and reinstated the civil liberties, thank goodness! There has been cracks in the support that backs both sides lately, which may point us closer to a compromise.

So far everything has been very calm in Catacamas, although sometimes things are canceled as precautionary measures, including Catacamas' Bible Day celebration.

It's undeniable that something in Honduras has to change and that there's a few roads that Honduras could take in the future. Please pray that Honduras can be transformed for the better through this crisis, and that it will end peacefully.

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