Thursday, September 24, 2009

Hiking up La Picucha

By Katie

In late August we went on an amazing hike up the mountain just outside of Catacamas. I'm playing catch-up on blogging now, so the story's a little late. At any rate, I hope you enjoy these pictures!

Day One: Five-hour hike

Our team of hikers consisted of Lisa, Brayan, Matt and I, Sarah, David, Jordan and Calixto the guide. With the exception of Brayan, who is a youth from our church, all the others work or volunteer in various parts of Honduras. You can see two peaks in the background; we camped on top of the one on the left, and hiked up to the taller one on the right. On this day we had a donkey and a mule to carry our bags and give us rides.

Our campsite the first night was amidst a coffee plantation in the cloud forest.

On this night we cooked and slept in a shack that houses the coffee pickers during the harvest season.

Day Two: Six-hour hike
The day of big adventures!

Straight up!

Calixto built this trail himself with a couple of other people. He continued clearing the trail with his machete as we went up.

Just before the peak of the mountain we arrived in the dwarf forest, a unique ecosystem found in areas of high altitude, high wind and humidity. In this picutre you can see a bit of the dwarf forest overlooking the cloud forest and then valley below.

The plants in the dwarf forest are all short with thick leaves. It's like an ornamental garden everywhere you look!

How many are your works, O Lord!
In wisdom you made them all;
the earth is full of your creatures.
Psalm 104:24

You didn't want to go walking around at night at this campsite-- the land went straight down to both the left and right of our cluster of three tents.

Day Three: Eight-hour hike
We woke up to see the sun rising and the clouds below us.

We packed up in a bit of a drizzle, then did a hike/run down the mountain and made it back to catch the last bus back to Catacamas. We were tired, very dirty, and very satisfied.

The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Psalm 19:1-4a

1 comment:

Beckering Family said...

Gorgeous pictures, God is awesome!
Hope you are doing great and enjoying another year in Honduras. Praying God may use you both in many ways! The weather has been gorgeous here in Minnesota. So far it has been a great fall!