Thursday, October 15, 2009

World Cup update

By Katie

I wasn't paying any attention to the playoff soccer games last night until I went outside to do the dishes. All of a sudden, shouts arose from every single house in the neighborhood and I judged that Honduras had won. I ran over to the neighbor's house and there learned that not only had Honduras won the game, but the US had tied Costa Rica in a nail-bitter. With those two outcomes (that happened within moments of each other), both Honduras and the US will advance to the World Cup in South Africa. Today I had two people tell me how grateful they were that "my" team had helped their team beat Costa Rica in points, thus allowing Honduras to advance. It was sweet because they really meant it.

After the game last night I went and sat outside on the front porch for a bit, just listening to the noise around the neighborhood. You could hear many loud excited voices coming from many of the neighbor's houses, lots of fireworks, whooping and hollaring, and car horns honking. One lone teenager whizzed by on his bike and, for no audience in particular, threw back his head and yelled, "¡Viva Honduras!", "Honduras lives!".

I love what sports and a little bit of good news can do to humans.


rubyslipperlady said...

That is awesome! I must spend too much time on facebook because one of my first thoughts was that I wanted to click 'like' on this.

rubyslipperlady said...
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