Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Back at it

By Katie

We made it back from our trip to the States about a week and a half ago now. It was great to see many of you, although we felt the pressure of having only a short time to see you and didn't hardly get to see as many people as we had hoped. Regardless, it was good to take a little time to give a couple of presentations and reflect on our work and life here and to get some time being plain old Americans in our own country. The greeting cards and coffee all got sold, so thanks to the many of you who rushed to buy them!

Sometimes it's good to leave things here in Honduras for a while to be able to come back and see how well things went. There were a few successes to share. The youth board planned a retreat to a mountain-side cabin with a variety of area churches. Kids from our church got themselves there, and the success of that is that we didn't drive them! It shows that they had the initiative to do what wasn't easy to get themselves to the event. Also there was a substitute Sunday school teacher who did a great job, and could maybe take over for us when we're done. Also, in our presentations to the churches I talked about giving the front porch kids a bunch of homework to see if they could find others to help them do it. Some, but not all, of them did with reasonalbe success, so that was good to see too. The last thing that we want is to leave Honduras in December with gaping holes in leadership. The two-week test while we were in the States gave us a good indication of how we all are doing on that.

1 comment:

Dave said...

How encouraging! I'm glad to hear this.