Saturday, June 19, 2010

Greeting Card Fundraiser (again!)

By Katie

Last summer when we came home we sold these greeting cards with photos from around Honduras. We sold out (twice!) and even more folks asked for more as the year went on. So, here they are again, with new and improved photos and a new category.

The money that we raise with this project will go to fund school supplies for Katie's afterschool program, things we need for the school, Luz y Verdad and innovative seeds and educational materials for the farmers that Matt works with. None of this is in our budget, so having a fundraiser helps provide us with the materials we need to provide Hondurans with another outlet for learning and growing.

Cards are available in packs of eight different cards (described below) at a cost of $10 per pack.

Pretty Things Pack *New*
Last time we sold cards many of you asked why we only included plants and not other things in the mix. So this year we focused on photos of things unique to Latin America, including churches, a sunset, and some island scenes.

The Dwarf/Cloud Forest Pack
These flowers were all taken in two unique ecosystems high in the mountains of the Sierra de Agalta mountain range in Olancho, not far from where we live in the valley below. The dwarf forest was particularly interesting as it was so high on the mountain and the wind is so strong that plants do not grow tall there. Many fascinating bromeliads are included in this pack.

The Tropical Garden Pack
Included in this pack are the flowers of many gardens we've seen in Honduras. Some are trees acacia blossoms. Others are lilies and hibiscus, and more.

The Coffee Pack
This pack includes coffee at several stages of the growing, harvesting, and roasting. You'll find blossoms, berries, and tranquil shots of shade-grown coffee farms in this pack.

Pre-orders are appreciated, but not at all necessary. Email us if you'd like us to set aside a pack or particular card for you, or just ask when you see us. We'll be in the States starting next week for two weeks. Thanks in advance for taking an interest in this project.

1 comment:

rubyslipperlady said...

I just love these Katie! I'm working on a project where I'm hoping to get several of the coffee ones. I'll let you know as soon as I can but it may be a month or more. I'll keep you posted! Have fun in GR!