After a whirlwind series of goodbyes in Honduras, we boarded the plane last Thursday and arrived in Minnesota. We spent the weekend with our families who all drove up to see us and bring us our fall and winter clothes. We're getting things all set up now and still working on wrapping up unfinished business in Honduras too.
Matt will have his first doctor appointment with an oncologist on Friday, so we're really looking forward to that. We had the clinic translate all his medical documents from Honduras and do another pathology report, so those will be ready by the first appointment. We still haven't gotten a confirmation that Matt has insurance, so if you're looking for something specific to pray for, that would be what we need most.
Matt's been feeling ok, but still gets pretty tired sometimes. There's a lot to adjust to right now, and on top of recovering from the surgery, that seems pretty normal. Another prayer request is our transition and patience in the face of a lot of uncertainty. But, we have seen how God has brought us this far, and we know that as long as we continue to trust in Him and pray for His help and guidance, He will be faithful to complete what he started.
Thank you to everyone for all of your support. Thanks to those of you who have emailed us to show us that you are there with us (and sorry I haven't been great about responding). We have never been lonely on this difficult road thanks to all of you.
Here's proof that we're in Minnesota, in case you didn't believe us. Fall really is beautiful here!
Glad to have you "home." Praying for your transition and healing!
Praying for your transition in all of it's challenges and opportunities, my friends.
I just read your blog and learned about all you've been going through. You will certainly be in our thoughts and prayers!!!
Pablo, Elena y Grace
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