Monday, September 27, 2010


By Katie

About 10 minutes ago we got a call from our insurance agent with the good news: Matt got accepted for insurance! Thank you for everyone who was praying for that specific need. Once again God opened the door just in time, his time.

Matt is hoping to start chemotherapy this week sometime. He'll have two strong doses with three weeks of recovery after each dose. We had spent a lot of the last week looking around and settled on an oncology clinic about a half hour from where we're living. The social worker, financial counselor and doctor there have really gone to bat for our case, so it was a great choice.

In the mean time I am hoping to substitute teach, although I still haven't gotten a call to work. Today I'm applying to another school district. Matt's still putting in a lot of time on reports and things that still need to be wrapped up from Honduras and I've been translating some of those things when he's done.

We're looking forward to getting rolling on the treatments and now that we are both insured, that will be a little easier on the mind. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and encouragement.


Alissa said...

Your in our thoughts and prayers. We pray for peace and patience in these next couple months. Thanks for updating the blog so we can know what to pray about!

Alissa (Beckering)Stuive

The Van Hulzens said...

Praise God!! We'll be praying for Matt and the chemo treatments as well as some sub jobs for you! (Too bad you aren't down south :-) I needed a sub today...had to stay home with Truman.)